Here is your essay on the Most Important Physical Properties of Water ! Water is an extremely inert body in relation to most other chemical substances. It contains following unique physical properties which have ecological relevance: 1. Specific Heat: Water is capable of storing tremendous quantities of heat energy with a relatively small rise in […]

Most Important Physical Properties of Water | Essay
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What are the Various Functions and Requirement of Water? – Explained!
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Water is the most important constituent of food for all living bodies. A man can live without food for a number of days but in the absence of water it is impossible for him to survive beyond a few days. Human body contains about 70% of water. All tissues, organs and bones contain water. (more…)
444 Words Essay on A Morning Scene at a Municipal Water Tap
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I live in Kirti Nagar and in this Colony there is only one municipal water tap. There are no water taps in the respective houses of the people. The municipal water tap which is in front of my house is quite an enjoyable sight. Every morning and evening there is a great noise and a […]