Even though trademarks are regulated by each country independently, because of the fact that goods travel beyond country borderlines and bear trademarks, trademark law has international implications. The Paris Convention is the prime International Convention in the field of Intellectual Property Rights. (more…)

International nature of trademark law (Major relevant articles)
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Why are the safeguards to be taken by the proprietor of a registered trade mark to protect his rights?
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The proprietor should use and renew the trademark regularly and in time. If the trademark is misused by others he should file a suit for infringement and passing off and also take criminal action. (more…)

The procedure in suits for passing off (Trade mark) in India
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A suit for passing off arising out of the use by the defendant of any trade mark resembling the plaintiff’s trade mark must be instituted in a court not inferior to the District Court having jurisdiction to try the suit. (more…)