The Constitution as one of the-Directive Principles of State Policy enjoins on the State to endeavour to bring about prohibition of the consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs. (more…)

Essay on Prohibitions in Social Welfare Programme in India
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What are the Six Main Causes of Social Change? – Explained!
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The main causes of Social change are as follows: 1. Biological Factors: Among the biological factors is the qualitative aspect of the population related to heredity. The qualitative aspect of population is based upon powerful and great men and their birth is dependent to large extent, upon heredity and mutation. (more…)

Functions of the Educational Institutions in the Socialization of the Child
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The function of the school has considerably changed in the rapidly changing environment. The traditional function of imparting the basic skills of the three R’s is now no longer considered to be adequate to meet the present challenge. (more…)