Essay on Separate Schools & Hostels for Children of Prostitutes in India ! The children of prostitutes, if not segregated from their mothers, may land into the career of prostitution which may lead to aggravate juvenile delinquency. Therefore, a suggestion has been mooted out from some quarters that these children should be brought up in […]
Essay on Separate Schools & Hostels for Children of Prostitutes in India
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What is the Effect of Migration on the Schools of Hindu Law?
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When a Hindu family migrates from one State to another, the law draws a presumption that it carries with it its personal law, i.e., the laws and customs prevailing in the State from which it came. The presumption can, however, be rebutted, by showing that such a family has adopted the law and usages of […]

Useful Notes on Neo-Classical School of Management
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The neo-classical approach is discussed as follows: Behavioural Theories: This school of management lays emphasis on the human element in an organization, duly recognizing its importance. It puts more stress on individual attitudes and behaviours and on group processes. Major contributors to this school of thought are in the following: (more…)