If there is anything that makes every one of us, including the teachers, happy and gay, it is the annual day celebrations in one’s school. No matter how many years we have celebrated so far, each occasion would go down memory lane! (more…)

436 Words Essay on Annual Day in the School (free to read)
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544 words essay on The Policeman for school students
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544 words essay on The Policeman for school students. The policeman is a familiar figure in every society. He works for the police department. His main task is to maintain law and order in society. He is an important public servant. He can be seen everywhere on the bus stand, street, railway station, market, inter-state […]

455 words short essay on The Postman
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455 words short essay on The Postman. The postman is an important member of society. He is a useful public servant. He works all over the country. He can be seen in villages and metro cities. (more…)