It was the 15th of August, 1994, the 46th Anniversary of our Independence. I was entrusted with the work of organising the Independence Day celebrations at my school. (more…)

659 Words Essay on How I Arranged the Independence Day at School?
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797 Words Essay on If I were the Principal of a School
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As Principal of a School, I shall give top priority to discipline and good conduct of the students. I shall not only rest with moralising from the pulpit but will also give them ample opportunity and impetus to develop and create this important factor. (more…)

492 Words Sample Essay on My School (free to read)
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I am Hema Agarwal. I am studying in std. VI in Saraswati Vidyalaya. About my school? Well, it is a temple to me. Our school is 125 years old, a prestigious institution where many eminent persons had studied. It has a total strength of 780 students studying from LKG to Plus 2. (more…)