Essay on the Offences and Punishment under the Information Technology Act, 2000 ! The various offences and the punishment provided for them are contained in Chapters IX and XI of the Act. These offences are briefly stated as follows:— 1. Unauthorized Access (Section 43): The section lays down that any person who accesses or secures access to […]
Offences and Punishment under the Information Technology Act, 2000
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Brief Essay On Theories of Punishment (461 Words)
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Brief Essay on Theories of Punishment ! Some of the major questions which are engaging the attention of modem penologists are whether the traditional forms of punishment should remain the exclusive or primary weapons in restraining criminal behaviour or should be supplemented and even replaced by a much more flexible or diversified combination of measures […]
Essay on important theories of Punishment (Concluding Observation)
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Here is your essay on various theories of Punishment. While drawing up a penal programme for the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders, it must be borne in mind that human nature is complex and it is not possible to comprehend it fully. This is the reason why all human being do not […]