The meaning of this sentence is well illustrated by some words of Jesus Christ, when he was denouncing the spiritual blindness of the Jewish religious leaders, who rejected his teaching “Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye build the sepulchers of the prophets and say. (more…)

494 Words Essay on the Fools of Yesterday are the wise Men of Today
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400 Words Essay on "Tell me not in mournful numbers Life is but an empty dream"
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In this verse the poet says he does not believe in the pessimistic view of life that regards it unreal (“an empty dream”) and death as the final end of all life. (more…)

405 Words Essay on What is Good and Bad in the Daily Press
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The newspaper Press is a great power in every civilized country. Whether it is a power for good or evil, depends entirely upon the character of the papers themselves. (more…)