The art of thrift consists in so managing our expenditure as to secure ourselves against the danger of want. In most cases the simplest and most effectual way to attain this object is strictly to curtail every item of our expenditure. (more…)

712 Words Essay on Penny Wise Pound Foolish
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756 Words Essay on Indian and English Proverbs
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It is commonly believed in India that proverbs were invented by idiots. If this was the case, the idiots of India in the past must have been richly endowed with practical shrewdness. (more…)

763 Words Short Essay on Understanding Proverbs
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While a large number of Indian proverbs lay down rules of practical life such as are common to the proverbial philosophy of other countries, some of them express religious and social ideas peculiar to India, and almost all of them contain allusions to the characteristic features of Indian life. (more…)