Making presents is as enjoyable as receiving them. Presents serve as mementoes of one’s regard and affection for the other. They are the bricks that build up human relationships and the oil which smoothes the general social behaviour. (more…)

557 Words Essay on What Presents I would Like to Make?
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426 Words Essay on If I Inherited a Legacy of One Lakh Rupees
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Thank God! The dreams of my life would now come true. The old aunt died and left more than a lakh of rupees for me. I am sorry for the death but am equally glad that God has offered me the opportunity to bring the dreams and desires of my life into action. (more…)

638 Words Short Essay on Well Begun is Half Done
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It often happens that something which at first seems very difficult is soon finished when we have once managed to make a good beginning. For instance, in learning to swim we may try hard, day after day, for a long time, without seeming to make the least progress. (more…)