Factors that would Determine the Philosophy and Strategy of Central Management! Since organizations have different characteristics and requirements, it would not be possible to identify an ideal organizational structure that would fulfill all these diversified needs. Accordingly, each organizational structure must suit the situation and be optimally useful in meeting the organizational objectives. (more…)

Factors that would Determine the Philosophy and Strategy of Central Management
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10 Main Features of Indian Philosophy of Education
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10 Main Features of Indian Philosophy of Education are described below: 1. No society tolerates a type of education that undermines its own stability. Indian philosophy of education also aims at strengthening its society. (more…)

7 Main Constitute of Indian Philosophy of Education (According to Dr. S. Radhakrishnan)
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The following constitute Indian Philosophical traditions these are the views of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan. 1. There is supremacy of the spirit. Endless quest for the realisation of the ultimate is the chief end of life. (more…)