The grant and enforcement of patents are governed by national laws, and also by international treaties, where those treaties have been (given effect in national laws. Patents are, therefore, territorial in nature. (more…)

Laws that govern and grant (Enforcement of patents )
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Short essay on the procedure for enforcement of patents
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Patents can generally only be enforced through civil law suits (for example, for a U.S. patent, by an action for patent infringement in a United States federal court), although some countries (such as France and Austria) have criminal penalties for wanton infringement. (more…)

A patent is not a right to practice or use the invention – Essay
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A patent is not a right to practice or use the invention. Rather, a patent provides the right to exclude other from making, using, selling, offering for sale, or importing the patented invention for the term of the patent, which is usually 20 years from the filing date subject to the payment of maintenance fees. […]