Read this Essay on Parents duties towards children in Hindi language: (more…)

Essay on Parents duties towards children in Hindi
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Maintenance of Children and Aged Parents in the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act
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Section 20 of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act casts a duty on a Hindu, during his (or her) life-time, to maintain his (or her) legitimate as well as illegitimate children and his (or her) aged or infirm parents. Further, a legitimate child can claim maintenance from his or her father or mother, so long as […]

Pious Obligation of a Hindu Son to pay his Father’s Debts
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Traditional Hindu law imposed upon the son, grandson, and great- grandson, the duty of paying, out of the family assets, the debts of the ancestor from whom they had inherited the property, provided the debts had not been incurred for an immoral or illegal purpose, and were not barred by limitation. (Girdharee Lall v. Kantoo […]