Effectiveness of communication greatly contributes to the success of an organization and the performance of its managers. Therefore, it is imperative for an organization to improve the free flow of communication overcoming the possible barriers. (more…)
7 Main Barriers of Communication in Organizations
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7 Important Role of Operations Manager in an Organization
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Depending on the nature of c, operations managers need to perform various managerial functions like, planning, directing, coordinating operations, decision taking, policy framing, controlling inventory, supply chain management, job scheduling, job-wise manpower allocation, etc. (more…)
9 Important Factors of Operations Strategy in Organizations
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Operations strategy is a functional strategy. Basically, operations strategies are related to the process of transformation of inputs to outputs. Hence, such strategies provide the basis for any decisions at the operations level. Some of the indicative areas of operations strategy are design of products (tangible and intangible), vendor selection, selection of appropriate process for […]