Functional Factors within the Internal Environment of the Organization! The internal environment of an organization includes all such factors and systems that exist within the organization and over which the organization has more direct control. Key internal factors include the functional areas of human resources, research and development, production, marketing, finance and organizational culture. Management […]

Essay on the Internal Environment of an Organization
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Aggressive Versus Supportive Behaviours in an Organisation – Essay
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While there are a number of behavioural as well as organizational factors which contribute to the existence of conflict, there may be just one single factor that may be highly contributory to reducing such conflict. That factor is “trust”. (more…)

Short Essay on Grganizational Groups
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Short Essay on organizational Groups! In general, a number of people together at a given place and a given time can be considered as a group. People in a bus or the same compartment of a train or students in a class are all considered as groups. (more…)