Forecasting is defined either an estimate or inference of a future event. Forecast may not always be an accurate estimate or inference as it is always done on the past trend. (more…)
6 Basics Steps to Make Forecasting More Effective (Management)
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10 Main Difficulties Faced in Manpower Forecasting using Quantitative Tools
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Main Difficulties Faced in Manpower Forecasts using Quantitative Tools are described below: (i) When productivity data is considered as available to decide upon the manpower requirement, it is important to understand that the productivity rise cannot always be attributable to the increased human effort. (more…)
9 Main factors which determine the optimum span of Management in Organisations
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The determination of span depends upon the number of relationships, which can be managed by a superior. Usually, the important determinant is the manager’s ability to reduce the frequency and time impact of superior-subordinate relationships, though this ability itself is determined by several other factors. (more…)