Few men have ever had as much of an effect on our world as Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948), though he used the message of peace and love, rather than war and destruction. (more…)
483 Words Essay on Gandhi a Great Leader
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461 Words Essay on Mahatma Gandhi: The Father of the Nation
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Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader in the real sense. He did not live for self; but spent his whole life for the good of his country and its people. He was a man of firm determination and strong will-power. Undeterred by any opposition or consequences, he pursued his mission single-handedly and was even followed […]

Essay on Mahatma Gandhi
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Here is your essay on Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a great freedom fighter. He was born in the town of Porbander in Gujarat on 2 October 1869. He had done his schooling in nearby Rajkot. At that time, India was under British. (more…)