I am an ordinary man and I know the practical limitations of my life. Therefore, I do not have any dreamy impractical ambition. I only want to become a useful and honourable citizen of my country. (more…)

407 Words Essay on What I Would Like to Be in life?
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586 Words Essay on Advantages of Life in Great Cities
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The principal advantages that a boy or young man derives from living in a great city like Mumbai. Kolkata, and Chennai are educational. In country villages there are only Delhi elementary schools and no colleges, whereas in great cities there are numberless schools and colleges provided with the-best teachers in every branch of knowledge. (more…)

737 Words Essay on Disadvantages of Life in Great Cities
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Nothing is more distressing to a lover of the country than to be condemned by circumstances to live in a great city. He misses the breezes of pure air that blow over hill and plain in the country, and feels that he can hardly breathe in the stifling atmosphere of the crowded streets. (more…)