Basic principles of leadership can be grouped as follows: 1. Must Know Him and Continuously Seek Self-improvement: To know self, one has to understand attributes like, be, know and do. Seeking self-improvement means continually strengthening such attributes, which can be accomplished through reading, self-study, classes, etc. 2. Be Technically Proficient: As a leader, one must […]

11 Important Principles of Leadership in Organizations
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4 Main Styles of Leadership in Organizations – Useful Notes
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The problem of leadership style is basically concerned with deciding the extent to which a manager should be dictatorial and the extent to which he is supposed to be participative or consultative. Different leadership styles can be categorized as follows: (more…)

What is the Importance of Leadership in Organizations? – Explained!
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From the meaning, characteristics and difference between leadership and management, we can understand how leadership is important for an organization. We can list such importance of leadership as follows: 1. It Improves Motivation and Morale of Employees: A successful leader influences the behaviour of an individual, which enhances the involvement of individual employee to work. […]