The right of a Hindu to dispose of by will (or other testamentary disposition) any property which is capable of so being disposed of by him or her, in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Succession Act is expressly recognised by Section 30 of the Act. Thus, S. 30 is merely an assertion of […]

Testamentary Succession under the Hindu Succession Act
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Provisions under the Hindu Succession Act Governing Intestate Succession to the Property of a Female
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Under the earlier Hindu Law, several types of stridhan (woman’s property) were contemplated, and succession of such property depended on whether she was married or not, and in the former case, whether her marriage was one of the approved or the unapproved forms. (more…)

What are the General Rules of Succession under the Hindu Succession Act?
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The General Rules of Succession under the Hindu Succession Act are as follows: Full-Blood Preferred to Half-Blood (S. 18): Section 18 declares that heirs who are related to an intestate by full-blood are to be preferred to those related by half-blood, if the nature of the relationship is the same in every other respect. (The […]