Being completely dissatisfied with such a state of affairs, Gandhiji stood for a new social order, for which he advocated the following fundamental principles: 1. Brotherhood: Brotherhood of mankind, the organic unity of the whole human race, was a matter of profound conviction for Gandhiji. He, therefore, despised all the artificial barriers of caste, creed, […]

4 Fundamental Principles of Gandhi’s New Social Order
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Relationship between Nehru and Gandhi – Essay
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Gandhi and Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru differed with each other in a fundamental sense in respect of philosophy of life, social and political philosophy and in regard to the shape of social economic and political structure of Indian polity after Independence. (more…)
Relationship between Tagore and Gandhi – Essay
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Tagore warned that the contemporary university system did not reflect Indian society and as a consequence it was not conducive to developing personality and independent thinking and producing the best in one’s area. (more…)