Application of Boolean algebra in the Depiction of Life Pattern of Animals and Environmental Effects ! In writing the life patterns of animals and various arthropods much information needs to be brought together, relating not only to the morphological states but also including statements about the speed of development, limiting conditions, steady states and alternative […]

Application of Boolean algebra in the Depiction of Life Pattern of Animals and Environmental Effects
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Temperature Fluctuations in Different Environments | Essay
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Essay on Temperature Fluctuations in Different Environments ! Environmental temperatures fluctuate both daily and seasonally. The temperature of any one area will vary from sunlight to shade and from daylight to dark. The surface temperature of soil may be 30°C higher in the sunlight than in the shade and upto 17°C higher during the day […]

Range of Temperature Tolerance for Different Environment | Essay
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Essay on the Range of Temperature Tolerance for Different Environment ! In organisms all metabolic processes necessary for life start at a certain minimum temperature and increase with rise in temperature until they reach the maximum level at a temperature called optimum temperature. (more…)