10 Main Disadvantages of Marxist Approach to Education are described below: 1. Marxist education is absolutely state- controlled education. It attaches too much importance to the role of the state in education. Consequently curriculum construction, determination of the methodology of teaching, examination system all are determined by the state. It does not allow any other […]

10 Disadvantages of Marxist Approach to Education
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Short Speech on the Educational Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore
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Tagore’s philosophy of education exactly conforms to his general philosophy. He was dissatisfied with the existing system of education because it ignored our own customs, traditions, conventions manners, ideologies, morals and ideals. It had taken Indians away from their own culture and civilization. (more…)

Role of Various Agencies for Imparting Education in India
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Important Types of Agencies for Imparting Education are given below: 1. Formal Agencies: Those agencies which are developed with the specific and exclusive aim of imparting education are called the Formal Agencies of Education. They are preplanned in aim, scope and programme. The time and places of their activity as well as the means of […]