Essay on Physico-Chemical, Nature of Terrestrial Ecosystems ! An aquatic system is essentially a single-phase system, where water sets the tone for entire habitat. A terrestrial ecosystem, on the contrary, is a three-phase system, where the characteristics of the habitat are a function of the atmosphere and climate, the soil, and the biotic community itself. […]

Physico-Chemical, Nature of Terrestrial Ecosystems | Essay
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Patterns of Flow of Energy through the Ecosystems | Essay
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Essay on Patterns of Flow of Energy through the Ecosystems ! In an ecosystem one can observe the transfer or flow of energy from one trophic level to other in succession. A trophic level can be defined as the number of links by which it is separated from the producer, or as the nth position […]

Short Essay on Characteristic of Lotic Ecosystems
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Here is your essay on the Characteristic of Lotic Ecosystems ! Moving-water or lotic ecosystems include rivers, streams, and related environments. They are remarkably variable, ranging in size from Ganga, Yamuna, Hindon, Kali Nadi, Sutlaj, Gomti, etc., to the trickle of a small spring. They vary from raging torrents and waterfalls to rivers whose flow […]