Any a young bride has been sacrificed at the altar of the Dowry system. It is a social evil which needs to be eradicated from our society. (more…)

Comprehensive Essay on Dowry
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611 Words Essay on Dowry System: A Curse Or The Social Devil Dowry
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Essay on Dowry System: A Curse Or The Social Devil Dowry Dowry system is a curse on our society. This system was applicable in all civilizations and religions that did not permit division of parental property between the daughter and the son equally. Dowry system has become a greed for many parents, despite the fact […]

1032 Words Sample Essay on evils of Dowry (Free to read)
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There are many dead, rotten, harmful and old traditions and customs that still prevail in our society. They are a blot on the fair name of our culture and civilization. Dowry system is one of these curses. It has been customary to give cash and many valuable articles by the parents of a girl in […]