The concept of a coparcenary under the Dayabhaga system is entirely different from the one under the Mitakshara law. (more…)

What are the Structural Differences between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Coparcenaries?
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Differences between the Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Laws of Partition
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The points of distinction between the Mitakshara and Dayabhaga Laws of partition may now be discussed. Except for these differences, the rules of the Mitakshara Law of Partition apply mutatis mutandis to cases governed by the Dayabhaga Law. (more…)

What are the Liabilities to Pay the Debts under Dayabhaga Law?
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Under the Dayabhaga Law, the manager can contract debts for the family purposes and business, and such debts are binding on all the members of the family. (Incidentally, the position is also the same under the Mitakshara Law.) (more…)