When researcher finds a difficulty in selecting an appropriate method of data collection for his research. The researcher must judiciously select the methods of data collection for his research study keeping in view the following factors: (1) Nature, Object and Scope of Inquiry: The choice of selecting a method of data collection is affected by […]

4 Things to Keep in Your Mind Before Selecting Any Appropriate Methods of Data Collection
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Difference between “Random, Stratified and Biased Sampling Methods of Data Collection
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Difference between “Random, Stratified and Biased Sampling Methods of Data Collection are described below: 1. Random Sampling: Word ‘random ‘ is a technical term in statistics pertaining to the method of sampling. If the data are so selected that every item in the group has equal chance of being selected, the method is called random […]

8 Methods of Data Collection Used by Big Companies
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There are some other methods of data collection, particularly used by big business houses in modern times. They are described below: (1) Warranty Cards: These cards are postal sized cards which are usually used by dealers of consumer durables to collect information regarding their products. (more…)