Research Paper Organised Crimes in India ! Criminality is a global phenomenon. With the advancement of time and development of knowledge and technology the complexities of life have multiplied with the result many anti-social elements think it profitable to embrace criminality as a profession to earn their livelihood. This has provided opportunities to criminals to […]

Research Paper on Organised Crimes in India (3432 Words)
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Short Essay on Prevention of Crime and Protection against Criminals
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Essay on Prevention of Crime and Protection against Criminals ! Prevention of Crime and protection against criminals may broadly be defined as anything which reduces the incidence of crime. The focus is on making the environment safe from crime and reducing the potential for crime in high-risk situations. According to Brantingham (1976), the crime prevention […]

Short Essay on Crime and Morality (383 Words)
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Short Essay on Crime and Morality ! The word ‘crime’ is derived from the Latin word ‘krimos’ which means ‘to accuse. It covers those acts which are against social order and deserve disapprobation and condemnation of society. (more…)