The main memory of a computer system is otherwise called as Primary Storage Unit. When we feed data and instructions to a computer for processing, it gets stored in its main memory. The main memory is outside the CPU. It is not like our familiar magnetic disc or compact disc type because of the following […]

Essay on Main Memory of Computer
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471 Words Essay on Computer Greatest Invention of the Civilization
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Essay on Computer Greatest Invention of the Civilization 471 Words Essay on Computer Greatest Invention of the Civilization Or Computer and The Human Brain. Man has made numerous inventions. Computer is one of them. The computer has begun to control so many critical functions that man has become proud on this development. Today, the computer […]
539 Words Essay on will Computers Control Humans In The Future
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Essay on will Computers Control Humans In The Future Machines and tools have given us the ability to do more in less time, giving us at the same time, more comfort. As the technology advances, computers become faster and more powerful. (more…)