Short Essay on Re-engineering (650 Words)! Reengineering actually means “starting all over”. It does not mean making incremental changes that have basic structures intact. It does mean, however, breaking away from outdated rules and assumptions and abandoning long established procedures and looking afresh at the work. It involves going back to the beginning and inventing […]

Short Essay on Re-engineering (650 Words)
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The International Quality Standards – Essay
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The entire world has become one global village. Many political, ethnical and geographic barriers have been broken and international trade as well as multinational investment is encouraged by most countries. (more…)

What are the Powers of a Karta to Start a New Business under the Hindu Law?
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A joint Hindu family carrying on trade in a particular commodity may legitimately extend it to another commodity, and whether such an extension would amount to a new business would necessarily depend upon the nature and type of the extended business, and not on the particular commodity in which it does business. (more…)