Customer complaints are indeed a part of any business. There is no such thing as an all-time hundred per cent full proof service to all customers. As any business depends on people within and people without, as well as several other support facilities, there would be instances when the occasional service failure is unavoidable. (more…)

How to Deal with Customer Complaints in an Business Organization?
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3 Different Types of Business Speech
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In any business environment, speeches are of wide variety. They could be formal or informal, private or public, long or short and prepared or extempore. Over a period of time, as they grow up in the organizational hierarchy, people will be required to make all types of speeches. (more…)

Essay on Cultural Differences in Business Communication
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Business organizations today operate in a global market place. Advancements in travel and communication sectors have facilitated access to broader, cross-country markets. Organizations, both small and big, with operations spread across different cultures and different countries, operate and thrive in the world of business. (more…)