The ethical dimension of business assumes significance when we realize that business organizations, particularly in the corporate world, are perpetual entities. They exist to fulfil a specific need of people in the community. (more…)

Essay on Ethical Dimension of Business Communication
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How Drafting Memorandum helps in Improving Business Communication?
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Memos are drafted keeping in view the context of the communication as well as the recipient of the message. Memos are written in the second person with a direct approach. Every effort is made to involve the recipient and the word ‘you’ is used often. (more…)

5 Most Important Ways for Determining the Effectiveness of Your Business Communication
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The statement with reference to Perceptions, Attitudes, Beliefs, Values, Norms and Experiences are as follows: Human beings constitute an integral part of any communication. It is people who give out messages. It is they who receive messages, understand them and act on them. (more…)