Essay for kids on the Effects of Air on Animals ! The atmospheric composition is not always the most important factor to organism; rather, it is the partial pressure of a gas, especially oxygen and CO2, which influences the existence of life, as illustrated by altitudinal studies on organisms. (more…)

Essay on the Effects of Air on Animals | Essay For Kids
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Essay on the Major Kinds and Sources of Air Pollutants
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Essay on the Major Kinds and Sources of Air Pollutants ! A major source of air pollution is the particulate and gaseous matter released by the burning of fossil fuels such as coal petroleum, etc. (more…)

Speech on the Various Sources of Air Pollution
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Air is the most important component of man’s environment as well as all living organisms. A man can live for a number of days without food and water but without air we cannot survive beyond a few minutes i.e. 3-4 minutes. (more…)