AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome which is a very fatal disease. This disease is caused by a virus known as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV attacks the white blood cells which serve as the body’s defence system against infections. Once these cells are infected with HIV, this defence system gets weakened, exposing the […]

Speech on AIDS – Mode of Spread, Symptoms and Prevention
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Essay on the Efforts to Control AIDS in India
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India holds the second largest number of HIV infections in the world following South Africa. With 3.97 million people living with HIV, India accounts for nearly 10% of the global HIV/AIDS prevalence. (more…)

Short essay on AcquiredImmune’ Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
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AcquiredImmune’ Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a dreaded disease which leads to the total loss of resistance to viral and bacterial infection that is naturally there in the human body. The disease is caused by a virus which the American scientists have called HTLV -III (Human T-cell Lymphotropic-associated Virus three). (more…)