The 1980s: Agriculture witnessed an improved growth of per cent during the 1980s, after a span of relative stagnation during the previous two decades. The growth performance was somewhat subdued in the 1990s with real GDP originating from agriculture growing at a modest 2.9 per cent resulting from near stagnation in crop yields and falling […]

Short Essay on “Trends in Agriculture in India”– (787 Words)
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10 Main Causes of Low Productivity of Agriculture in India – Essay
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10 Main Causes of Low Productivity of Agriculture in India – Essay Though the agricultural productivity in India-average yield per hectare-has improved but the full potential has to be realized over now. The main causes of low productivity are as follows: 1. Size of Holdings: The average size of holdings in India is very low, […]

Essay on Agriculture in India-Prospects and Challenges
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Essay on Agriculture in India-Prospects and Challenges. The burgeoning billion plus population of India needs the best of modern agriculture techniques to keep track of the produce in the same ratio. (more…)