The UN has specialised agencies that handle different aspects of development such as education, culture, health, individual rights, utilisation of resources, and scientific and technological matters.
The agencies also tackle global problems like drug abuse, overpopulation, poverty, water scarcity, environmental problems, and so on. The specialised agencies have the freedom to frame their own constitutions, chalk out their own plans of action, appoint their own staff and prepare their own budgets.
The specialised agencies of the UN publish various reports and journals and maintain websites, which contain information related to their respective fields of work. Mass media such as newspapers and television also circulate such information among people. Some agencies spread awareness through poster campaigns.
The information provided by the specialised agencies is especially useful for governments, NGOs, journalists, and individuals involved in developmental work.
The specialised agencies of the UN receive donations from governments, NGOs and individuals for funding their activities.
Besides, they raise money by selling items such as books and periodicals, calendars, diaries, etc. The United Nations Children’s Fund also sells greetings cards. The ECOSOC coordinates the work of the specialised agencies. Let us now learn a little more about some of the specialised agencies of the UN.