Himalaya Academy,
Nainital – 263 003.
6th October, 2009
The Officer-in-Charge,
Prime Minister’s Relief Fund,
Prime Minister’s Office,
Delhi-110 001.
Subject: Plight of earthquake victims
I am the School Captain of Himalaya Academy. After the recent catastrophic earthquake in Northern India, our school initiated a drive to collect money to help the victims of this tragedy. Our students not only made their own monetary contributions, but campaigned from door to door in the school area and even organised a public rally in an effort to raise funds.
We were successful in collecting a sizeable amount, which we promptly dispatched to your office on August 3, 2009.
Between October 1 and 3, 2009, a group of students belonging to our Social Welfare Club, of which I am a member, paid a visit to three relief camps set up by the Central Government in Pakhori and Lumbi. We were shocked to see the abominable conditions prevailing there—the camps were congested and filthy, and there was no electricity or proper water-supply.
The food being served to the inmates was hardly fit for human consumption. A team of three doctors, accompanied by half-a-dozen nurses, made rounds twice a week, which, given the circumstances, is a far from satisfactory arrangement. Worst of all was the mental condition of the campers, many of whom were suffering from deep clinical depression.
We would be very obliged to you, Sir, if you could kindly look into the matter and take the necessary corrective measures as early as possible.
Yours faithfully,
Bikas Lakra