This is to draw your attention towards the sale of pornographic literature in the prominent parts of the city towards the evening. There is a huge sale of obscene reading materials which find buyers from all sections of the society, but most prominently from the student community, which flock such places in the evenings and become easy prey. All this happens in front of the police, which remain a callous observer, making them equally responsible as the book seller. The government has passed strictures regarding the sale of cigarettes to the youngsters, but what about such pornographic materials which leave a negative impact on the mind of such readers.
Of late, this menace seems to have increased and such vulgar materials are found in abundance everywhere. Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to inform the ____________ (Place) government to take proper steps to ban such reading materials. The display of such materials causes inconvenience to the gentry which pass by the area along with their children. As a matter of fact, such vendors should be imprisoned with heavy fine that will discourage them from selling such obscene material.
Yours Truly,
(Your Name)