The Branch Manager
(Insurance Company Name)
Ref: Abnormal delay in payment of maturity value of my Endowment Policy No ____________.
Dear Sir,
As asked for vide your letter No ____________ dated ____________, I had sent the necessary documents to you under cover of my letter dated ____________ so as to enable you to send the matured value of my above Policy for crediting to my Savings Account, as mentioned in my said letter.
But, to my utter disappointment, I regret to inform you that your office has not taken any action so far in sending the matured value of the Policy although ____________ (No. of months) have already elapsed.
Also my several visits to your office in person impressing upon your concerned dealing official to take immediate action in the matter have yielded no result.
Under the circumstances, I am constrained to inform you that if the payment is not made within 15 days of receipt of this letter, I reserve the right to demand interest @ 15% per annum from the next date of maturity of the Policy.
I would, therefore, request you to see that the payment is made without further lose of time.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Your Name)