Heirs entitled to succeed:
The heirs entitled to succeed under the Act are of the following kinds:
(i) Class I heirs,
(ii) Class II heirs,
(iii) Agnates,
(iv) Cognates and
(v) Government.
(I) Relations specified in class I of the Schedule who are:
(a) Son,
(b) Daughter.
(c) Widow,
(d) Mother,
(e) Son of a predeceased son,
(f) Daughter of a predeceased son,
(g) Daughter of a predeceased daughter,
(h) Widow of a predeceased son,
(i) Son of predeceased son of a predeceased son. (j) Son of a predeceased daughter,
(k) Daughter of a predeceased son of a predeceased son, (1) widows of a predeceased son a predeceased son.
(II) Relative specified in class II of the Schedule who are:
(a) Father,
(b) (1) Son’s daughter’s son; (2) Son’s daughter’s daughter; (3) Brothers; (4) Sister.
(c) (1) Daughter’s son’s son (2) daughter’s son’s daughter;
(3) Daughter’s son, (4) daughter’s daughter.
(d) (1) Brother’s son, (2) sister’s son, (3) brother’s daughter,
(4) Sister’s daughter.
(e) (1) Father’s father, (2) father’s mother.
(f) (1) Father’s widow, (2) brother’s widow.
(g) (1) Father’s brother, (2) father’s sister.
(h) (1) Mother’s father, (2) mother’s mother.
(i) (1) Mother’s Brother’s (2) mother’s sister.
(III) All other agnates, however high or low related with the last holder by blood or adoption wholly through males. [Vide Sec. 8 (c) read with Sec. 3(1) (a)].
(IV) All other cognates, however high or low related with the last holder, by blood or adoption not wholly through males may be through one, two or more females. [Vide Sec. 8
(d) read with Sec. 3 (1) (v)].
(V) If a Hindu male has no heir under all the preceding heads, the Government takes the property as an heir, subject to all the obligations and liability of propositus. This is called Escheat.