(1) Counterfeiting or knowingly performing any part of the process of counterfeiting coin Imprisonment upto 7 years and also fine (Section 231). Causing genuine coin to appear different with deceptive intent is counterfeiting.
(2) Counterfeiting Indian coin or knowingly performing any part of the process of counterfeiting 10 years and fine (Section 232).
(3) Making or selling or disposing of instrument for counterfeiting coin 3 years and fine (Section 233); for instrument for Indian coin—7 years and also fine (Section 234).
(4) Possession of instrument or material for counterfeiting coin with knowledge or reason to believe that it may be used for such purpose 3 years and fine; for Indian coin 10 years and fine (Section 235).
(5) Abetting counterfeiting coin outside India Punished as if abetting counterfeiting inside India (Section 236).
(6) Import or export of counterfeiting coins 3 years and fine (Section 237); Indian coin —Imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for 10 years, and also fine (Section 238).