Company should be interested in improving the processes and the quality of the products and services delivered. Data is gathered in many areas and analyzed to determine improvement needs.
(i) Monitoring and measurement
(ii) Control of nonconforming product
(iii) Analysis of data
1. Monitoring and measurement:
Customer Satisfaction:
The customer quality perception level is measured and analyzed.
Internal Audit:
Internal quality audits are planned and performed using documented procedures to verify effectiveness of QMS.
Monitoring and measurement of processes:
Measurement and monitoring of supplier processes is conducted through the analysis of data by the application of Management Review.
Analysis is accomplished through application of numerous statistical and analytical tools including, but not limited to, bar charts, trend analysis, praetor analysis, and Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).
Monitoring and measurement of product:
The product measurement and monitoring activities are conducted to ensure that product characteristics are maintained.
Non-conforming product:
Company prides itself in controlling any non-conforming product. Procedures and processes are in place to ensure that any non- conforming product is properly marked so that it will not and cannot be used or shipped to a customer.
2. Analysis of data:
All areas of the business are analyzed including financial, operations, sales, marketing, production and distribution. An annual meeting provides a launching platform for all departments and divisions to present a review of the past and a plan for the future.
3. Improvement:
Continual improvement:
Continual improvement is not a discrete process or element of the Quality Management System, but rather a means of managing the system.
The Quality Management System has all of the necessary elements of establishing the policy and objectives for quality, for implementing operational controls to achieve the objectives, and for measuring the results.
(i) Profitability through quality improvement
(ii) Driving force System Measures of progress Goal
(iii) Leadership Quality system based on ISO 9001 requirements
(iv) Quality results
(v) Customer satisfaction
Profitability Feedback:
(i) Profitability
(ii) Costs of poor quality
(iii) Customer satisfaction
Corrective and Preventive Action:
This clause requires the company to establish and maintain documented procedures for implementing corrective actions to eliminate causes of actual non-conformities and preventive actions to eliminate causes of potential non-conformities.
All Customer complaints are taken very seriously and are immediately elevated to corrective action status requiring follow-up with customers indicating actions taken to resolve the immediate issue and process changes to prevent it from recurring.
When reviewing Quality issues during the weekly staff meeting quality issues are elevated to corrective action based on severity of issue and reoccurrences of issues. No corrective actions are closed until verified and validated at a future date from (1) week to (1) month.
Preventive action is defined as an action taken based on the observance of a systemic condition or the result of a corrective action where further action is deemed necessary to curtail the same or similar occurrences within other processes or realization activities.