In organizations, we communicate individually (interpersonal communication) and also in a group. To manage the business complexity, organizations form groups to pool the knowledge and resources. People in a group solve problems jointly; hence, to coordinate their activities we need to communicate. Exchange of information and communication takes place both between and within the groups.
Nature and type of group communication depends largely on the intent or purpose of the group. Communication between and within self-directed groups is different from the communication with a focus group. Whatever we have listed above to indicate the effectiveness of interpersonal communication also applies for group communication. However, non-verbal communication and listening skills are more important for groups.
Communication in small group is task oriented. Unlike most interpersonal communication, communication in a small group is primarily task oriented as small groups are formed to achieve a specific task. In small group communication to make group members to feel comfortable, adopting a blend and motivational approach is very important.
This helps in reaching group consensus quickly. Blend approach resolves differences of opinion, whereas, motivation makes members to follow through. Hence, group communication requires special skills of managers, like understanding of group characteristics, group dynamics, specific influence of group members and the role of leadership.
Although, we have no specific guidelines for size, type and purpose of small groups, it varies from organizations to organizations. Size of a small group may be anything between two to twenty members, where the goal or purpose remains the same. A strategic group may represent members in the top hierarchy of the organization, whereas, a task group may involve operations people. Hence, communication style varies from one small group to another.
Similarly, groups can be primary, formal or informal. To attain self-satisfaction, the members form primary groups. Informal groups are formed for improving the interpersonal relations, rather than achieving a specific task or objective. Formal groups, however, are formed to achieve a specific goal or objective, i.e., they are more tasks oriented by nature.
Again depending on the goals or objectives, formal groups can be informational, education and training, and problem solving. Informational types of formal groups are formed in conference, meetings and briefings. In this type of formal group, communication or information sharing is ensured adopting consistency in approach.
Members in such formal groups can raise questions and participate in discussions. Education and training groups, like employee induction, training and development department, facilitate employees’ development. Problem-solving groups can either be formal or informal to attain a specific objective.
Depending on the degree of group influence, the style of organizational communication also differs. A strong group influence makes the group members to subscribe to certain assumptions and behavioural norms, which may be either explicit or implicit.
The degree of group influence can either result in conformity, resistance, competition and conflict. Although in all cases, managers’ role is to communicate in a manner that develops group cohesiveness since, in organizations; intra-group conflict sparks are quite frequent due to competition between them.
With the increased spate of globalization, organizations today require to enhance their competitive advantage developing collaborative capability increasing their spread globally. This requires organizations to revisit their communication strategies, focusing on virtual teams to cope with uncertainty, ambiguity and many cross-cultural issues.
The problem further mounts in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. With geographically dispersed virtual teams, communications now largely depend on electronic mediums. The group communication influenced mostly by the cultural practices of the majority may vitiate the ultimate purpose of the groups, as culturally different minority groups may not be able to participate in decision making.
To ensure cohesiveness in group communication, which is culturally divergent, therefore, requires an organization to share information and provide opportunity to everyone to contribute their viewpoints. Managers, thus, need to study cross-cultural dynamics to avoid confrontation, misunderstandings and conflict in group communication.