The following methods are mostly used for training the employees.
1. On-the-job Training:
Under this technique, an employee is put on-the-job and is trained to perform the said job, thereby helping the employee to acquire the skills for performing the said job in future.
Most of the organizations utilize the services of senior workers to impart such training. Apprenticeship, creation of assistant to positions, job rotation and special assignments are different nature and forms of such training programmes.
2. Job Instruction Training:
This is training through step-by-step learning. Usually, steps necessary for a job are identified in order of sequence, and an employee is exposed to the different steps of a job by an experienced trainer.
3. Vestibule Training:
This method duplicates on-the-job situation away from actual worksite with machinery and equipment similar to those used in the actual production or operation and is used to help employees to acquire a new skill. Usually, training is given away from the production centre.
4. Training Centre Training:
Such site trainings are given in the form of lectures, conferences, case studies, role playing and discussions.
5. Simulation:
Simulation again duplicates the actual condition encountered on a job. The vestibule training method and the business game method are the examples of business simulation.
6. Apprenticeship:
Such training is given for a longer duration to help the employees acquire skills in specific trade(s). A major part of this training is given on the job.