1. In place of inter-cultural and inter-racial terms, now we should use the terms inter-group education, because for developing inter-group understanding education should remove racial, religions, cultural and economic obstructions.
2. Principally in some subjects of primary school classes leading themes should contain some inter-group elements. But inter- group relation and inter-group problems must not be kept in courses of studies.
3. In the inter-group studies the co-operation of only those teachers should be enlisted who are desirous for the same.
4. Various matters in relation to inter-group tension should be studied. In this study the facts about the minority group in the immediate neighborhood should be particularly ascertained.
5. The attitudes of students of minority group should be studied. The new thing to be taught in this connection should be predetermined along with the thing that should be forgotten for good in the interest of inter-group understanding.
6. Those situations and things should be organized with the help of which a desirable change in the attitudes of students may be effected. In these situations and things, good pictures, suitable films, drama, radio, travel, inter-cultural displays, social functions, some organized activates and meeting for discussion and lectures may be maintained.
7. Through projective techniques, direct observations and pictorial devices an attempt may be made to understand the extent to which changes in the attitudes of students have occurred.
8. For improving inter-group relation inter-group educational programme should be considered with the educational programme organized for the local group.
According to Cook “inter-group education in its dimension is not like a pyramid. Inter-group education is such a construction work at the top of which all the things about the group may be placed. Their living ways and all matters about their welfare may be including within these thing.”
At the base of this construction work all the methods of study may be placed in order that any proposed programme may be measured up. On the other base we shall keep the group management which may help the group to go on proceeding towards the achievement of the goals.
In the inter-group education the schools and colleges should learn from those social institutions which are working for inter-group understanding. Under these institutions, religious and social organizations, associations of workers and farmers and centers of adult education may be mentioned.
The society must be prepared to accept the changes that occur in the attitudes of students as a result of inter-group education. This means that the parents must not resent if the children after receiving education in schools do not show inter-group malice and rivalry.
Along with giving inter-group education to children, the school should also address itself to certain questions regarding the management of some school work.
These questions may be as below:—
1. Have the representations of inter-group given due place in school committees of various other organizations?
2. Are teachers given salaries and promotions irrespective of their caste, creed, sex and class? If the school gives satisfactory answers to the above question, it will mean that the school is proceeding properly for removing inter-group rivalry. Needless to add that such and effort on the part of the school will have its desirable impact on students
The tackling of problem of inter-group rivalry through education is of very recent origin. Therefore the methods of inter-group education are still in the process of development. So we have to think about some new methods on the basis of experimentations. It may be hoped that this may be done in near future.