The environmental problems faced by us today are so complex and wide- ranging that solution requires a holistic approach. The principal links of the newly emerging web of understanding are supported by three interacting disciplines, viz., biocenology, sociology and technology.
Together they comprise our environment. Understanding of this new web is required for comprehensive and proper management of natural resources. The bioecological components alone can range in scope from small systems such as genes to such large ones as the biosphere.
The concept of ecosystem characterization may be defined as a description of the important processes and components comprising an ecosystem and an understanding of their important functional relationships (Palmisano, 1977).
This definition provides a basic perspective of the state of knowledge for a given ecosystem, describes the important ecosystem components and functional processes, and provides a mechanism for ecosystem understanding through the integration of components and functional processes. Ecosystem characterization provides an understanding of ecosystem to assist in integration of complex ecological information, identification of gaps and lacunae in information, establishment of research priorities, assessment of environmental impacts, and for comprehensive planning.
Ecosystem characterization can be regarded as one of a number of tools required to protect and manage living resources. The approach to the characterization process involves the delineation of the physical boundaries of the system, preparation of a conceptual ecosystem model, synthesis and analysis of existing knowledge using the model as a blueprint, and preparation of the characterization report. Ecosystem characterization provides an important ecological foundation from which to plan and manage for the future of our natural resources.