A programme of training becomes essential for the purpose of meeting the specific problems of a particular organisation arising out of the introduction of new lines of production, changes in design, the demands of competition etc.
Benefits of Employee Training Programme
1. Higher Productivity:
Training can help employees to increase their level of performance on their present assignment. Training increases the skill of an employee in the performance of a particular job.
Increased performance and productivity, because of training, are most evident on the part of new employees who are not yet fully aware of the most efficient and effective ways of performing their job. An increase in skill usually helps to increase both quantity and quality of output.
2. Better Organisational Climate:
Ah endless chain of positive reactions result from a well planned training programme. Increased morale, less supervisory pressures, improved product quality, increased financial incentives, internal promotions etc., result in better organisational climate.
3. Less Supervision:
Training does not eliminate the need for supervision, but it reduces the need for constant supervision.
4. Prevents Manpower Obsolescence:
Manpower obsolescence is prevented by training as it fosters the initiative and creativity of employees. An employee is able to adapt himself to technological changes.
5. Economical Operations:
Trained personnel will make economical use of materials and equipment. This will reduce wastage in materials and damage to machinery and equipments.
6. Prevents Industrial Accidents:
Proper training can help to prevent industrial accidents.
7. Improves Quality:
Trained employees are less likely to make operational mistakes thereby increasing the quality of the company’s products.
8. Greater Loyalty:
A common objective of training programme will mould employees’ attitudes to achieve support for organisational activities and to obtain better cooperation and greater loyalty. Thus, training helps in building an efficient and loyal work force.
9. To Fulfil Organisation’s Future Personnel Needs:
When the need arises, organisational vacancies can be staffed from internal sources, if an organisation initiates and maintains an adequate training programme.
10. Standardisation of Procedures:
Trained employees will work intelligently and make fewer mistakes when they possess the required know-how and have an understanding of their jobs.