(1) When a juvenile or the child who has been brought before a competent authority under this Act, is found to be suffering from a disease requiring prolonged medical treatment or physical or mental complaint that will respond to treatment, the competent authority may send the juvenile or the child to any place recognised to be an approved place in accordance with the rules made under this Act, for such period as it may think necessary for the required treatment.
(2) Where a juvenile or the child is found to be suffering from leprosy, sexually transmitted disease, Hepatitis B, open cases of Tuberculosis and such other diseases or is of unsound mind, he shall be dealt with separately through various specialised referral services or under the relevant laws as such.
The section relates to disposal of those cases where the juvenile or child who is brought before the competent authority is—
(i) Suffering from a disease which requires a prolonged treatment; or
(ii) Suffering from a physical or mental disorder which may be cured by medical treatment.
The competent authority shall send such juvenile to the approved place or institution for necessary treatment.
But where the juvenile or child is found to be suffering with serious disease as specified in sub-section (2), he shall be referred to special treatment centres under the relevant law.
The purpose of this section is to ensure best of the medical treatment to juvenile or child and at the same time avoid his placement in Children’s Home or Special Home from the point of view of health-care.