332 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Perception” for Psychology Students – Part 3:
201. The extent to which the same behaviour occurs in relation to other people or stimuli is known as:
(a) Effectiveness
(b) Attribution
(c) Common effects
(d) Distinctiveness
(e) None of the above
202. According to Kelley, when consensus and distinctiveness are low and consistency is high, we tend to make:
(a) Attributional dispositions
(b) Dispositional attributions
(c) Unchosen actions
(d) Non-common effects
(e) None of the above
203. When consensus, consistency and distinctiveness are all high, we tend to make attributions to:
(a) External or situational factors
(b) Internal factors
(c) Contradictory Factors
(d) Unchosen Actions
(e) None of the above
204. Sillars developed a major criticism against Kelley’s Model of causal Attribution. He argued that although the theory of causal attributions holds up when people are presented with concrete, explicit information about consensus, distinctiveness and consistency, it does not work quite so well when :
(a) People must infer the information on their own
(b) People differ from each other in their attitudes
(c) People differ from each other in their stereotypes
(d) People differ from each other in their aptitudes
(e) None of the above
205. According to Jones and Keith Devis, we learn the most from behaviours of others that lead to unique or:
(a) Non-common effects
(b) Self-attributions
(c) Personal attributions
(d) Unchosen action
(e) None of the above
206. The greater the social desirability of an action or behaviour, the more difficult it will be to draw a correspondent inference between:
(a) Behaviour and Personality
(b) Perception and Sensation
(c) Person Perception and Social
(d) Perception Act and Disposition
(e) None of the above
207. The theory of “correspondent inferences” examines how behaviour is attributed to a specific underlying intention, trait or disposition. This theory was advocated by:
(a) Harold Kelly
(b) T.D. Wilson
(c) I. J. Stone
(d) Edward Jones and Keith devis
(e) None of the above
208. The initial acknowledgement that a person has positive traits is used to infer other uniformly positive characteristics. Again the observation of a single negative trait can be used to infer the existence of uniformly negative traits. This phenomenon is popularly known as:
(a) Common Effects
(b) Halo Effects
(c) Uncommon Effects
(d) Unchosen Actions
(e) None of the above
209. “We enjoy being surrounded by a pleasant world and thus we have a propensity to view people through rose-coloured glasses.” This principle is popularly known as:
(a) Non-common Effects
(b) Unchosen Actions
(c) Pollyanna Principle (Matlin & Stang, 1978)
(d) Consensus information
(e) None of the above
210. “You are like me and I am like you”. This is a tendency that constitutes one kind of Attributional bias popularly known as:
(a) Uncommon Effects
(b) Consensus Information
(c) Non-common Effects
(d) Assumed Similarity Bias
(e) None of the above
211. Levine (1942) has made pioneering experiments on the effects of:
(a) Learning on perception
(b) Past experience on perception
(c) Bodily needs on perception
(d) Hereditary principles on perception
(e) None of the above
212. Role of “values” in perception was emphasized by:
(a) E.E. Jones (1965)
(b) Bruner and Goodman (1947)
(c) Osgood (1957)
(d) Harold Kelley (1967, 1973)
(e) Hamilton (1972)
213. The process by which impressions, opinions or feelings about other persons are formed is known as:
(a) Person Perception
(b) Social Perception
(c) Phi-phenomenon
(d) Perceptual constancy
(e) Hallucination
214. The stimuli which are not needed by the “0” (Organism) at the moment and which do not have any value, for the perceiver, are not perceived at all. Perception may also be delayed in some other cases. In many cases, the perceiver tries to avoid the perception of the stimulus. This is called:
(a) Perceptual Constancy
(b) Phi-phenomenon
(c) Illusion
(d) Perceptual Defense
(e) Hallucination
215. The findings of Mc Ginnies were interpreted as an anxiety-avoidance reaction in the form of:
(a) Perceptual Defense Mechanism
(b) Perceptual Constancy
(c) Hallucination
(d) Delusion
(e) None of the above
216. Heider limited the term ‘social perception’ to:
(a) Perception of objects
(b) Perception of groups
(c) Perception of culture
(d) Perception of people
(e) None of the above
217. The total process of assimilating and interpreting sensory experiences is known as:
(a) Conation
(b) Affection
(c) Creativity
(d) Cognition
(e) None of the above
218. Cognitive theories of perception have their roots in:
(a) Behaviourism
(b) Structuralism
(c) Gestalt Psychology
(d) Functionalism
(e) Psychoanalysis
219. Cognitive and affective processes are inter-wined in:
(a) Social interaction
(b) Attitudes
(c) War Psychosis
(d) Socialization
(e) None of the above
220. From the following psychologists, who has defined perception as the construction of a set of organized categories in terms of which stimulus inputs may be stored, given identity and given more elaborate connotative meaning?
(a) Kalika
(b) Allport
(c) Sherif and Sherif
(d) Bruner
(e) None of the above
221. The relative accessibility of a given category to a given kind of stimulus input is called:
(a) Sensory input
(b) Sensory output
(c) Sensory Readiness
(d) Perceptual Readiness
(e) None of the above
222. Perceptual response to a stimulus is essentially:
(a) Objective
(b) Required
(c) Subjective
(d) Not Required
(e) None of the above
223. The mechanism which helps in selective filtering of perceptual input is called the:
(a) Illusion
(b) Hallucination
(c) Gating Mechanism
(d) Phi-phenomenon
(e) Perceptual Constancy
224. There was a collision of the two cars on the road. Each driver was fully convinced that the other one was rash and did not obey the traffic signals and rules. One driver thought that the other one was wrong and blameworthy. One social psychologist interpreted this as the selectivity of perceptual experience generated
(a) Gating Mechanism
(b) Perceptual Disorganisation
(c) Phi-penomenon
(d) Illusion
(e) Hallucination
225. The gating process have been labelled “leveling”, “sharpening” and “assimilation” by:
(a) Newcomb
(b) Kretch and Krutchfield
(c) Kurt Lewin
(d) Allport and Postman
(e) None of the above
226. Selective sharpening of details which are congruent with desires and expectations are called:
(a) Levlling
(b) Assimilation
(c) Displacement
(d) Sharpening
(e) None of the above
227. The distortion of slight ambiguities in order to maximize congruences with desires and expectations is called:
(a) Levelling
(b) Assimilation
(c) Displacement
(d) Sharpening
(e) None of the above
228. In a person’s daily life, there are many situations in which he is made more conscious of himself than in others and this often brings about a change in his perception of himself. Such situations are called:
(a) Self-evolving situations
(b) Critical situations
(c) Conflicting situations
(d) Anxiety states
(e) None of the above
229. The theory which says that our liking of a person or person depends upon our perceived evaluation of the rewards and the casts he is likely to bestow on us is popularly known as:
(a) Implicit Personality Theory
(b) Impression Formation Theory
(c) Exchange theory
(d) Cognitive Framework Theory
(e) None of the above
230. The very term “Prejudice” is commonly used to mean:
(a) A negative evaluation of others by us without any prior experience or basis
(b) A positive evaluation of others by us without any prior experience or basis
(c) Prejudgements generated by placing people in cognitive categories
(d) Rough attitude of a person categories
(e) None of the above
231. Who defined prejudice as an unfavourable attitude towards an object or person which is emotionally charged and not easily changed by any contrary information?
(a) Kalika Jha
(b) Allport
(c) Kurt Lewin
(d) Kretch and Crutchfield
(e) Heider
232. The tendency to generalise on the basis of partial information is an integral part of the process of:
(a) Personal attributes
(b) Social perception
(c) Impression Formation
(d) Concept formation
(e) None of these
233. Cue sensitivity is a very important factor in:
(a) Empathy
(b) Sympathy
(c) Anxiety
(d) Conflict
(e) Frustration
234. Cue sensitivity refers to a sort of set to observe only those cues which are likely to facilitate an understanding of a target person’s mental state during:
(a) The period of anxiety
(b) Perceptual period
(c) Emotional states
(d) The period of contact
(e) Emotional trauma
235. The inter-personal distance is otherwise known as:
(a) Cognitive framework
(b) Attribution
(c) Stereotype
(d) Proxemics
(e) Prejudice
236. The concept social distance (interpersonal distance or proxemics) was first developed by:
(a) Fritz Heider (1958)
(b) Hamilton (1972)
(c) Glazebrook (1982)
(d) Bogardus (1925)
(e) Jones & Davis (1965)
237. The physical distance in our interactions with other persons is known as:
(a) Attribution
(b) Sociability
(c) Proxemics
(d) Stereotype
(e) Prejudice
238. The structural factors of perception was given priority by:
(a) Gestalt Psychologists
(b) Functionalists
(c) Behaviourists
(d) Structuralists
(e) Psychoanalysts
239. Those sensory factors which are independent of the perceiving individual’s needs and personality and which force certain organizations in his cognitive field are referred to as :
(a) Functional factors in perception
(b) Personal factors in perception
(c) Structural factors in perception
(d) Social factors in perception
(e) Psychological factors in perception
240. The factors which are derived from needs, moods, past experience and memory of the individual are known as:
(a) Functional factors for perceptual organization
(b) Structural factors for perceptual organization
(c) Social factors for perceptual organization
(d) Psychological factors for perceptual organizational
(e) None of the above
241. Perception is functionally selective. The objects accentuated in perceptual organizations are usually those which are functionally significant to the:
(a) Stimuli
(b) Society
(c) Perceiving individual
(d) Culture
(e) Group
242. The classic experiment of Harold Kelley illustrates an early view of:
(a) Social Perception
(b) Perceptual Organization
(c) Person Perception
(d) Personal Attributions
(e) None of the above
243. The notion of “central traits” was first conceived by:
(a) Solomon Asch (1979)
(b) Groth & Birnbum (1979)
(c) Hamilton (1972)
(d) Fritz Heider (1958)
(e) Keith Davis (1965)
244. “Central Traits” play a vital role in determining:
(a) Personal attributions
(b) Non-common effects
(c) Valence
(d) A general impression
(e) Self-attribution
245. Central traits to organize the impression and provide a framework for interpreting information:
(a) Received previously
(b) Received about sensation
(c) Received just a week ago
(d) That is received subsequently
(e) None of the above
246. Which model suggests that we simply add together the bits of information we have about a person to from a judgement?
(a) Averaging Model
(b) Self-attribution Model
(c) Additive Model
(d) Personal-Attribution Model
(e) None of the above
247. Who, mainly, encourages the dependency behaviour of children?
(a) Fathers
(b) Parents
(c) Brothers
(d) Mothers
(e) Sisters
248. Child-rearing practices pertaining to feeding, weaving and toilet training are called:
(a) Freudian variables in socialization
(b) Jungian variables in socialization
(c) Adlerian variables in socialization
(d) Erikson’s variables in socialization
(e) None of the above
249. From the following, who emphatically told that sucking is not only the source of obtaining nutrition but is also a source of pleasure?
(a) Carl Jung
(b) Sigmund Frued
(c) Alfred Adler
(d) Otto Rank
(e) Erikson
250. The first stage of psychosexual development of children is known as:
(a) Anal stage
(b) Phallic stage
(c) Oral stage
(d) Genital stage
(e) None of the above
251. In his psychoanalytic theory, Freud said that two psychological phenomena emerge during any stage of psychosexual development and these are:
(a) Aggression and Regression
(b) Frustration and Regression
(c) Frustration and Aggression
(d) Fixation and Regression
(e) Fixation and Frustration
252. When excessive frustration occurs in any of the psychosexual stages, the libidinal energy may remain locked in the erogeneous zone from which the child obtains pleasure in that particular stage. This is known as:
(a) Aggression
(b) Regression
(c) Projection
(d) Fixation
(e) None of the above
253. To return to an earlier mode of obtaining satisfaction when frustrated or anxious is known as:
(a) Aggression
(b) Fixation
(c) Regression
(d) Projection
(e) None of the above
254. In which stage of psychosexual development, the pleasure is obtained from the stimulation of the genital organs?
(a) Phallic stage
(b) Oral stage
(c) Anal stage
(d) Genital stage
(e) None of the above
255. In his study of the three “twice-born” castes of Rajasthan, Carstairs has given some information about:
(a) Social learning
(b) Prejudices
(c) Child-rearing practices
(d) Attitude
(e) Social conformity
256. Minturn and Lambert have studied the child- rearing practices in India as a part of a cross- cultural research and the study was conducted in the Rajput caste in a village of:
(a) Himalaya Valley
(b) Himachal Pradesh
(c) Bihar
(d) Uttar Pradesh
(e) Rajasthan
257. Socialization always involves changing the behaviour patterns of children from what they are early in their life to the:
(a) Accepted individual pattern
(b) Accepted adult pattern
(c) Unaccepted adult pattern
(d) Accepted child pattern
(e) None of the above
258. Whiting and Child label the early period of children as the:
(a) Period of Intelligence
(b) Period of Social recognition
(c) Period of indulgence
(d) Period of social learning
Period of socialization
259. Borrowing from Freud, Whiting and Child distinguish two sorts of reactions that might hamper smooth socialization. These are:
(a) Positive Frustration and Negative Frustration
(b) Positive Aggression and Negative Aggression
(c) Positive Regression and Negative Regression
(d) Positive Fixation and Negative Fixation
(e) None of the above
260. According to Whiting and Child, the negative fixation represents the creation of so much anxiety over the change in behaviour that the child has difficulty in making the:
(a) Motor-coordination
(b) Movement
(c) Sensori-coordination
(d) Transition
(e) None of the above
261. The book “Childhood and society” was written by:
(a) Sigmund Freud (1912)
(b) Alfred Adler (1908)
(c) Erik Erikson (1963)
(d) Otto Rank (1910)
(e) None of the above
262. According to Erikson’s Ego Psychology, the first stage of psychosexual development begins with the child’s encounter between his instincts and the demands of society. This is called:
(a) Latency stage
(b) Muscular-anal stage
(c) Oral-sensory stage
(d) Locomotion-genital stage
(e) Young adulthood
263. According to Piaget, Preoperational period is sometimes referred to as :
(a) Concrete operations
(b) Formal operations
(c) Preconceptual stage
(d) Sensori-motor period
(e) None of the above
264. Assimilation and accommodation are:
(a) Opposite to each other
(b) Vague concepts
(c) Complimentary to each other
(d) Concepts which have no experimental background
(e) None of the above
265. Egocentrism is a major hinderance to:
(a) The cognitive development of children
(b) The language development of children
(c) The emotional development of children
(d) The intellectual development of children
(e) None of the above
266. Jean Piaget has made the most significant contribution to the field of:
(a) Emotional development
(b) Language development
(c) Prenatal development
(d) Cognitive development
(e) None of the above
267. “Centration” means the child’s habit of attending to one salient aspect of a problem neglecting other ones, thus distorting:
(a) Imagination
(b) Learning
(c) Imitation
(d) Reasoning
(e) Personality
268. “Reversibility” means the ability of the child to maintain equivalence in spite of change in the:
(a) Perceptual field
(b) Intellectual field
(c) Emotional field
(d) Imaginative field
(e) None of the above
269. Who has designed an experiment to demonstrate the formation of norms in the laboratory?
(a) Richards (1957)
(b) Rogers (1951)
(c) Miller (1958)
(d) Sherif (1936)
(e) Milton (1952)
270. The method of studying social structures based on affection or attraction is known as:
(a) Social attitude test
(b) Sociogram
(c) Sociometry
(d) Social conformity methods
(e) None of the above
271. Sometimes an individual stands on the boundary between two groups. He feels uncertain about his status in both. In such circumstances, he is called a:
(a) Boundary Man
(b) Line Man
(c) Boarderline Man
(d) Marginal Man
(e) None of the above
272. Social role is imposed on the individual by:
(a) The society
(b) The culture
(c) The nation
(d) The group
(e) None of the above
273. Who, from among the following, has studied the process of socialization on the “Wolf children of Bengal”?
(a) R. Rath (1959)
(b) K.C.Panda (1971)
(c) J. Singh (1942)
(d) B. Sinha (1957)
(e) Kalika Jha (1968)
274. In which type of socialization, the individual experiences actual contact with other people and one’s behaviour is shaped and transformed by these people?
(a) Direct Socialization
(b) Indirect Socialization
(c) Latent Socialization
(d) Free Socialization
(e) None of the above
275. In which type of socialization, them is no direct contact but the influence of society operates through the media like the newspaper, cinema, books and other agencies?
(a) Direct Socialization
(b) Indirect Socialization
(c) Free Socialization
(d) Latent Socialization
(e) None of the above
276. Whenever an imitation is successful, the child is rewarded and this strengthens the child’s response. This is called:
(a) Social learning
(b) Social Norm
(c) Social Reinforcement
(d) Eco-cultural crisis
(e) None of the above
277. The situation in which an individual believes that other persons hold differing and incompatible expectations about how he should perform a particular role is known as:
(a) Role incompatibility
(b) Group Status
(c) Group Norm
(d) Status incompatibility
(e) None of the above
278. The situation in which an individual is expected to play two roles that involve responses that are antagonistic is known as:
(a) Status incompatibility
(b) Role conflict
(c) Role incompatibility
(d) Role Division
(e) None of the above
279. The infant is born as:
(a) A social biological being
(b) A social being
(c) A non-social biological being
(d) An antisocial being
(e) None of the above
280. “A social value or norm is standardised in the course of human interaction to those aspects of life that have some consequence in the scheme of things of the particular group.” Who has given the above statement?
(a) Sherif(1956)
(b) Kelly (1955)
(c) Jackson (1958)
(d) Janis (1953)
(e) Hoffman (1957)
281. Socialization is a product of:
(a) Imitation
(b) Motivation
(c) Intelligence
(d) Learning
(e) None of the above
282. The concept which is of great help in understanding social behaviour is:
(a) Socialization
(b) Attitude
(c) Prejudice
(d) Social facilitation
(e) Social learning
283. In earlier days, socialization was restricted to:
(a) Procedures of bringing up animals
(b) Procedures of educating children
(c) Procedures of bringing up children
(d) Procedures of taking care of school going children
(e) None of the above
284. The theory of psychoanalysis reveals that the basic driving forces of behaviour in the social development of the child are assumed to be:
(a) Taught
(b) Learnt
(c) Inherited
(d) Imitated
(e) None of the above
285. Jean Piaget has formulated a theory of:
(a) Play in children
(b) Social development of children
(c) Language development of children
(d) Cognitive development of children
(e) None of the above
286. According to Sears, it is through dependence that the process of:
(a) Indentification develops
(b) Projection develops
(c) Substitution develops
(d) Learning develops
(e) None of the above
287. The child becomes dependent on the mother because:
(a) She satisfies his social needs
(b) She satisfies his psychological needs
(c) She satisfies his affiliative motive
(d) She satisfies his biological needs
(e) None of the above
288. With the growth of the child, the socializing process is increasingly affected by the action of the persons outside:
(a) The family
(b) The school
(c) The society
(d) The culture
(e) None of the above
289. The transmission of massages from one person to another is known as:
(a) Interpersonal communication
(b) Personal correspondence
(c) Personal transaction
(d) Symbolic representation
(e) None of the above
290. The latent content of the communicative process refers to:
(a) Social perception
(b) The attitudes and motivation
(c) Social perception and social learning
(d) Social obligation
(e) None of the above
291. The system of “Transactional analysis” was first developed by:
(a) Henry and Helson
(b) Hebb and Heither
(c) Kelley and Kelman
(d) Berne and Harris
(e) King and Kelman
292. The system of transactional analysis assumes that each person has three components in his personality, the personality, the parent, the child, the adult and that each of these three components influences are:
(a) Daily transaction
(b) Daily routine
(c) Daily work
(d) Daily correspondence
(e) None of the above
293. The sole agent of socialization of a child in the early childhood is:
(a) Society
(b) Culture
(c) Family
(d) School
(e) Peer group
294. Clinically thumb sucking is taken as a sign of maladjustment in the child. But its seriousness depends on:
(a) The age of the child
(b) The height of the child
(c) The weight of the child
(d) The family of the child
(e) The culture in which the child lives
295. The child-rearing practices may have:
(a) Some short-term effects on children behaviour
(b) Some long-term effects on children behaviour
(c) No effect on personality development
(d) No effect on socialization
(e) None of the above
296. The theory of “Psychosexual development of children” was advanced by:
(a) Carl Jung
(b) Alfred Adler
(c) Otto Rank
(d) Sigmund Freud
(e) None of the above
297. Sigmund Freud emphasized the crucial importance of toilet training to the development of:
(a) Child’s personality
(b) Child’s socialization
(c) Child’s intelligence
(d) Child’s learning
(e) Child’s emotion
298. Case studies of children referred to child guidance clinic show that in nearly half of the children bladder and bowel training had started:
(a) In the late childhood
(b) In adulthood
(c) In school going stage
(d) Prematurely
(e) None of the above
299. The behaviour of toilet training like other behaviours of children depends on:
(a) Motor co-ordination
(b) Sensori-motor co-ordination 306.
(c) Neuro-muscular maturation
(d) Sensory organs
(e) Motor organs
300. Research evidences of Sears et.al. (1957) have revealed that in 87 percent of the case studies, the mothers started bowel training by the time the child was:
(a) 20 months old
(b) 10 months old
(c) 5 months old
(d) 3 months old
(e) 12 months old
301. As the child grows older, overt aggression:
(a) Increases
(b) Becomes haphazard
(c) Becomes systematic
(d) Decreases
(e) Vanishes
302. “Frustration-aggression hypothesis” was developed by:
(a) Carter and his co-workers
(b) Campbell and his co-workers
(c) Dollard and his co-workers
(d) Asch and his co-workers
(e) Barker and his co-workers
303. “Frustration-aggression hypothesis” was developed by Dollard et al. (1939) to explain:
(a) The theory of aggression
(b) The theory of regression
(c) The theory of frustration
(d) The theory of repression
(e) None of the above
304. In 1961, Bandura and his co-workers have put forth the hypothesis that aggression in children may arise because they look upon the parents as:
(a) Culprit
(b) Democratic persons
(c) Model
(d) Autocratic persons
(e) None of the above
305. To explain aggression, the frustration-aggression hypothesis was developed by Dollard and his co-workers in the year:
(a) 1940
(b) 1941
(c) 1939
(d) 1938
(e) 1942
306. The most common meaning of “dependent behaviour” is:
(a) Intellectual Dependence
(b) Social Dependence
(c) Motivational dependence
(d) Emotional Dependence
(e) None of the above
307. Who suggested that hypnotism and suggestion may be helpful for asthmatic patients having a psychological cause for attack?
(a) Phillip (1971)
(b) Coleman (1981)
(c) Mitchel (1973)
(d) Duke (1979)
308. Peshkin hypothesised a defective “parent- child” relationship as the cause of:
(a) Asthma
(b) Hysteria
(c) Epilepsy
(d) Hypertension
309. In a study, a psychiatrist has moved children suffering from Asthma away from their home and put into a carefully supervised Milieu Therapy. Ultimately he found that 99% of the Asthmatic children responded to it. Lastly he concluded that “Parent-child” relationship is responsible for this anomaly. Who was this renowed Psychiatrist?
(a) Phillip
(b) Peshkin
(c) Janet
(d) C.G. Jung
310. The superficial inflammation of the skin characterised by redness, itching, pimples and the formation of crusts is called:
(a) Asthma
(b) Eczema
(c) Hypertension
(d) Peptic ulcer
311. The main cause of Eczema is:
(a) Blood Pressure
(c) Emotional Stress
(d) Heart Beat
(e) Ulcer in the stomach
312. In his pioneering study, who has established a positive relationship between emotional stress and eczema?
(a) Duke (1979)
(b) Brown (1972)
(c) Mitchell (1973)
(d) Coleman (1981)
313. Putting emphasis on eczema as a psychosomatic disorder, who commented that eczema might not take ones’ life, but they could take the enjoyment out of it?
(a) Shelley and Edson (1973)
(b) Alexander (1952)
(c) Coleman (1981)
(d) Eysenk (1975)
314. For the treatment of colitis:
(a) Psychoanalytic therapy is helpful
(b) Play therapy is helpful
(c) Directive Therapy is helpful
(d) Non-directive Therapy is helpful
315. A psychoanalytic theorist viewed that anger produces gastric acid which is mainly responsible for:
(a) Migraine Headache
(b) Eczema
(c) Asthma
(d) Peptic Ulcer
316. Chronic conflict within the child is said to be the main cause of:
(a) Enuresis
(b) Psychosis
(c) Neurosis
(d) Epilepsy
317. The menstrual disorder of women is called psychosomatic when it is related to:
(a) Abdominal Disorder
(b) Emotional Stress
(c) Asthma
(d) Blood Pressure
318. Informations about the autonomic functions like heart rate and brain waves in the form of signals like sound or light is provided by:
(a) Biofeedback Technique
(b) Imitation
(c) Imprinting
(d) High order Conditioning
319. Alexander (1950) has hypothesized that each kind of psychophysiologic disorder may be connected to a particular type of:
(a) Conflict
(b) Stress
(c) Frustration
(d) Tension
320. In an interesting study of widowers, Parkes, Benjamin and Fitzerald (1969) found that during six months span following the death of their wives, the subjects have shown a death- rate of 40% above the aspired rate. The incidence of cardiac deaths among these widowers was so high that investigators called these findings as the:
(a) Down’s Syndrome
(b) Broken-heart Syndrome
(c) Peptic Syndrome
(d) Personal Syndrome
321. Excessive flow of the acid containing digestive juices of the stomach known as gastric secretions destroys the lining of the stomach which is called duodenum and leaves a crater like wound. This is called:
(a) Clotting
(b) Ulcer
(c) Thombosis
(d) Tumour
322. The classic studies done by Wolff and Wolff support the importance of repressed hostility and other stressful experiences in the causation of:
(a) Peptic Ulcer
(b) Colitis
(c) Asthma
(d) Eczema
323. The incidence of Migraine headache is high among:
(a) Children
(b) Men
(c) Women
(d) Neonates
324. A typical Migraine Headache involves:
(a) Only one side of the head
(b) Only one side of the heart
(c) Only one side of the body
(d) Two sides of head
325. Migraine headache is otherwise known as:
(a) Vascular Headache
(b) Muscular Headache
(c) Occular Headache
(d) Territorial Headache
326. The persons suffering from Migrain headache generally bear:
(a) Inflexible Personality
(b) Flexible Personality
(c) Dynamic Personality
(d) Static Personality
327. Who described a typical migraine headache victim as a tense, inflexible personality maintaining a store of bottled up resentments that can neither be expressed nor resolved?
(a) Kolb (1963)
(b) Kelley (1962)
(c) Zeller (1969)
(d) Phillip (1971)
328. The majority of the simple headaches are known as:
(a) Tension Headaches
(b) Conflict Headaches
(c) Frustration Headache
(d) Stress Headache
329. “Behaviour modification technique” is a favourite method to cure:
(a) Migraine Headache
(b) Eczema
(c) Epilepsy
(d) Hysteria
330. When airways become restricted, they create beathing difficulty and the persons suffering from these difficulties generally have:
(a) Hypertension
(b) Migraine Headache
(c) Asthmatic attack
(d) Eczema
331. When a person’s suffers from severe attacks of asthma, he fights for air and has :
(a) Convulsive Caughing
(b) Conversion
(c) Fits
(d) Somnabulism
332. For treatment of Asthma:
(a) Psychotherapy is conducive
(b) Nondirective Therapy is helpful
(c) Dream Analysis is helpful
(d) Play Therapy is helpful
201. (d) 202. (b) 203. (a) 204. (a) 205. (a) 206. (d) 207. (d) 208. (b) 209. (c) 210. (d) 211. (c) 212. (b) 213. (a) 214. (d) 215. (a) 216. (d) 217. (d) 218. (c) 219. (a) 220. (d) 221. (d) 222. (c) 223. (c) 224. (a) 225. (d) 226. (d) 227. (b) 228. (a) 229. (c) 230. (a) 231. (d) 232. (d) 233. (a) 234. (d) 235. (d) 236. (d) 237. (c) 238. (a) 239. (c) 240. (a) 241. (c) 242. (c) 243. (a) 244. (d) 245. (d) 246. (c) 247. (d) 248. (a) 249. (b) 250. (c) 251. (d) 252. (d) 253. (c) 254. (a) 255. (c) 256. (d) 257. (b) 258. (c) 259. (d) 260. (d) 261. (c) 262. (c) 263. (c) 264. (c) 265. (a) 266. (d) 267. (d) 268. (a) 269. (d) 270. (c) 271. (d) 272. (d) 273. (c) 274. (a) 275. (b) 276. (c) 277. (a) 278. (b) 279. (c) 280. (a) 281. (d) 282. (a) 283. (c) 284. (c) 285. (d) 286. (a) 287. (d) 288. (a) 289. (a) 290. (b) 291. (d) 292. (a) 293. (c) 294. (a) 295. (a) 296. (d) 297. (a) 298. (d) 299. (c) 300. (a) 301. (d) 302. (c) 303. (a) 304. (c) 305. (c) 306. (d) 307. (a) 308. (a) 309. (b) 310. (b) 311. (b) 312. (b) 313. (a) 314. (a) 315. (d) 316. (a) 317. (b) 318. (a) 319. (b) 320. (b) 321. (b) 322. (a) 323. (c) 324. (a) 325. (a) 326. (a) 327. (a) 328. (a) 329. (a) 330. (c) 331. (a) 332. (a)