85 Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) with Answers on “Psychiatry” for Psychiatry Post Graduate Students:
1. The one who has said that the seat of mind is in the brain:
A. Galen
B. Hippocrates
C. Plato
D. Aristotle
2. The one who developed theory of humors to explain moods and emotions:
A. Galen
B. Meduna
C. Harlow
D. Cullen
3. Who coined the term neurosis?
A. Esquirol
B. William Cullen
C. Benjamin Rush
D. William Sargant
4. Who coined the term psychiatry?
A. Johann Wyer
B. Johann Reil
C. John Conolly
D. Philippe Pinel
5. Who is the founder of modern psychiatry?
A. JED Esquirol
B. Prichard
C. Morel
D. Griesenger
6. Who coined the terms “catatonia, cyclothymia, Verbigeration, and symptom complex”?
A. KL Kahlbaum
B. Kraeplin
C. Hecker
D. Esquirol
7. Who coined the term dementia praecox?
A. Emil Kraeplin
B. Morel
C. Wernicke
D. Karlkiest
8. Who coined the term hypnotism?
A. James Braid
B. John Elliotson
C. J M Charcot
D. Franz Anton Mesmer
9. Who is the father of psychoananlysis?
A. Sigmund freud
B. Bernheim
C. Adler
D. Jung
10. The one who coined the word schizophrenia is:
A. Eugen Bleuler
B. Emil Kraeplin
C. Morel
D. Esquirol
11. Who pioneered insulin coma therapy for schizophrenia?
A. UGO Cerletti
B. Manfred Sakel
C. Meduna
D. Wagner
12. Who is the founder of electrical apparatus for producing convulsion?
A. Von Meduna
B. UGO Cerleti and Bini
C. Scribonius Largus
D. Egas Monis
13. The one who was awarded the Nobel Prize for psychosurgery and who was shot and wounded by ex-patient?
A. Egas Monis
B. Manfred Sakel
C. UGO Cerletti
D. Von Meduna
14. The proponent of chlorpromazine:
A. Jean Delay and Pierre Denicker
B. Cohen
C. Hoffman
D. Kahn
15. The proponent of imipramine:
A. Roland Kuhn
B. Cohen
C. Bein
D. Kline
16. The one who described psychosis of LSD is:
A. Hoffman
B. Kuhn
C. Bein
D. Jean Delay
17. Who is the proponent of lithium?
A. John Cade
B. Jean Delay
C. Joseph Gall
D. Roland Kuhn
18. The proponent of MAOI is:
A. Nathanial Kline
B. Roland Kuhn
C. John Kane
D. Jean Delay
19. Who described frontal lobe syndrome in his patient Phineas Gage?
A. Harlow
B. Esquirol
C. Joseph Gall
D. Cullen
20. Who described mental effects of mescaline?
A. Lewin
B. Hoffman
C. Denicker
D. Bein
21. Who is the father of American psychiatry and the only American physician to sign the declaration of independence?
A. Benjamin Rush
B. Issac Ray
C. Thomas Kirkbride
D. Clifford Beers
22. The first description of alcoholic delirium was given by:
A. Thomas Sutton
B. Thomas Lay cock
C. Thomas Willis
D. Thomas Sydenham
23. The beginning of phrenology is:
A. Franz Joseph Gall and Spurzheim
B. Esquirol
C. Harlow
D. Sheldon
24. The term “psychosomatic” was first used by:
A. Johann Christian Heinroth
B. Johann Reil
C. Johann Weyer
D. Ernst Kretschmer
25. The one who gave first account of post partum psychosis:
A. Robert Gooch
B. George Robinson
C. Forbes B Winslow
D. Joseph Adams
26. Who first introduced the term psychotherapeia (today psychotherapy):
A. Walter Cooper Dendy
B. George Robinson
C. Robert Gooch
D. Joseph Adams
27. The term neurasthenia- a disease of mental and physical exhaustion was first used by:
A. George Miller Beard
B. Issac Ray
C. Charles Bradley
D. Morton Prince
28. The one who coined the term sadism, masochism, and sexual bondage:
A. Richard Von Kraft-Ebing
B. Herman
C. Heinroth
D. Emil Kraeplin
29. The one who first gave a psychological account of hysteria:
A. Jean Martin Charcot
B. Jean Pierre Falret
C. Jean Etienne Dominique
D. Jean Delay
30. The first psychoanalytic defector from Freud and founded the school of individual psychology is:
A. Carl Jung
B. Alfred Adler
C. Otto Rank
D. Karen Horney
31. The one who developed the technique of will therapy:
A. Otto Rank
B. Carl Jung
C. Alfred Adler
D. Adolf Meyer
32. The proponent of Thematic Apperception Test is:
A. Henry A Murray
B. Herman Rorschach
C. Hathaway
D. Weschler
33. The one who established the first full time medical genetics department in a psychiatric institution in America:
A. Franz Joseph Kallmann
B. Kety
C. Rosenthal
D. Wender
34. The father of psychobiology:
A. Carljung
B. Alfred Adler
C. Adolf Meyer
D. Karen Horney
35. The proponent of MMPI is:
A. S R Hathaway and J C McKinley,
B. Murray and Rorschach
C. Alfred Binet
D. Watson and Skinner
36. The proponent of conditioned reflex is:
A. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
B. J B Watson
C. B F Skinner
D. Thorndike
37. The proponent of interpersonal theory is:
A. Harrys tack Sullivan
B. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
C. Erick Erickson
D. Donald Winnicott
38. The proponent of operant conditioning is:
A. B F Skinner
B. Joseph Wolpe
C. Ivan Pavlov
D. J B Watson
39. The one who founded the school of analytical psychology and developed the concept of collective unconscious and personality types- introvert and extrovert:
A. Carl Gustov Jung
B. Erick Erickson
C. Alfred Adler
D. Melanie Klein
40. The concept of anaclytic depression was given by:
A. Rene spitz
B. Leo Kanner
C. Michael Rutter
D. John Bowlby
41. The concept of sexual counseling is given by:
A. William H Masters and Virginia E Johnson
B. Kraft Ebing
C. Simon Andre
D. Ay lion and Azrin
42. The concept of intellectual development is given by:
A. Jean Piaget
B. Jean Martin Charcott
C. Jacques Lacan
D. Jean Delay
43. The proponent of cognitive therapy:
A. Aaron Beck
B. Nathan Ackerman
C. Joseph Wolpe
D. J B Watson
44. The one who developed fluoxetine in 1970:
A. Lilly
B. Rosen
C. Khun
D. Bein
45. The who developed sertralin in 1992:
A. Roerig
B. Dupont
C. Barton
D. Hoffman
46. The term Onanism is coined by:
A. Simon Andre
B. Vonkrafft Ebing
C. Masters and Johnson
D. Victor Frankl
47. The founder of behaviourism:
A. J Watson
B. Joseph Wolpe
C. Skinner
D. Ivan Pavlov
48. The concept of therapeutic community was given by:
A. Maxwell Jones
B. Victor Frankl
C. Jacob Moreno
D. Joseph Wolpe
49. The proponent of transaction analysis is:
A. Eric Berne
B. Carl Rogers
C. A Maslow
D. Joseph Pratt
50. The proponent of client centered psychotherapy is:
A. Carl Rogers
B. Victor Frankl
C. Eric Berne
D. Frederich Peris
51. The proponet of group therapy is:
A. Jacob Moreno
B. Joseph Wolpe
C. Joseph Pratt
D. James Braid
52. The proponent of psychodrama is:
A. Jacob Moreno
B. Joseph Wolpe
C. Joseph Pratt
D. James braid
53. The proponent of rational emotive therapy is:
A. Albert Ellis
B. Victor Frankl
C. Eric Berne
D. Otto Rank
54. The proponent of gestalt therapy is:
A. Frederich Peris
B. Skinner
C. Carl Rogers
D. Eric Berne
55. The concept of token economy is given by:
A. Ayllon and Azrin
B. Brown and Berly
C. Maxwell jones
D. Adolf Meyer
56. Who discovered olanzapine in Great Britain in 1982?
A. Elli lilly and company
B. Jean Delay
C. Jannsen
D. Khun
57. Clozapine was discovered in 1958 in:
A. Bern, Switzerland
C. France
D. Japan
58. The proponent of family therapy is:
A. Nathan Ackerman
B. Moreno
C. Joseph Pratt
D. James Braid
59. The chief contribution in the area of brief analysis and psychosomatic medicine is by:
A. Franz Alexander
B. Sifenos
C. Friedman
D. Hans Selye
60. The father of suicidology is:
A. Edward schneidman
B. Kreitman
C. Stengel
D. Menninger
61. The term agoraphobia was introduced by:
A. Westphal
B. Marks
C. Freud
D. Rogers
62. The term akathisia was first used by:
A. Haskovec
B. Delay
C. Villeneuve
D. Rogers
63. Alcoholic anonymus was developed by:
A. Dr Bob and Bill Wilson
B. Jean Delay and Denicker
C. Ayllon and Azrin
D. Brown and Berly
64. The drug haloperidol was discovered by:
A. Pauljanssen
B. Hoffman
C. Delay
D. Bein
65. The concept of aversion therapy was given by:
A. N V Kantorovich
B. Wolpe
C. Pavlov
D. Watson
66. Who is called the “French Freud?”
A. Jacques Lacan
B. Wilhelm Reich
C. Ackerman
D. Adler
67. The proponent of self actualization:
A. Carl R Rogers
B. Adolf Meyer
C. Adler
D. Carl Jung
68. The concept of psychosocial development is given by:
A. Erikson
B. Piaget
C. Paul Federn
D. Carl Jung
69. The founder of object relation theory:
A. Melanie Klein
B. Pierre Janet
C. Sullivan
D. Eric Berne
70. The pupil of Freud and his principal biographer is:
A. Ernest Jones
B. Alfred Adler
C. Otto Rank
D. Carl Jung
71. Interpersonal psychotherapy was developed by:
A. Klerman
B. Joseph Pratt
C. Sullivan
D. Ackerman
72. The term “Gate Way Drug” is coined by:
A. Robert Dupont
B. Jannsen
C. Hoffman
D. Lewin
73. The institutional neurosis was described by:
A. Barton
B. Bleuler
C. Maxwel Jones
D. Adolf Meyer
74. Who is the father of epidemiology?
A. Sir Thomas Brown
B. Thomas Sydenham
C. Sir Francis Galton
75. Who is the father of eugenics?
A. Sir Francis Galton
B. Sir Thomas Brown
C. Thomas Sydenham
76. The term “pica” was first applied by:
A. Sir William Gull
B. Ambroise Pare
C. Gerald Russel
77. Who first described bulimia nervosa?
A. Gerald Russel
B. Ambroise Pare
C. Sir William Gull
78. The father of psychosomatic medicine:
A. Franz Alexander
B. Johann reil
C. Johann Wyer
79. The one who coined the term biopsychosocial in 1977:
A. George Engel
B. Franz Alexander
C. Helen Deutsch
80. The term stress was coined by:
A. Walter Cannon
B. Hans Selye
C. William Harvey
81. The condition neurocircuilatory asthenia was described by:
A. Friedlander and Freyhof
B. Da Costa
C. Wood
82. The term kleptomaniac was coined by:
A. Jean Etienne and Charles-Henri Marc
B. Da Costa
C. Hans Selye
83. Trichotillomania was first characterized by:
A. Esqurol
B. Francois Hallopeau
C. Cannon
84. The term tranquilizer was introduced in:
A. Kuhn
B. Yonkman
C. Bern
85. Primary prevention in psychiatric illness is:
A. Isolation of cases
B. Early diagnosis and treatment
C. Health education and decrease of social stress
D. None of the above
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